TCO Calculator for EV Task Force Members:
We had a call on Friday afternoon May 10th. Of the 41 signed members we had 11 on the call. The purpose of the meeting was to review the sign-up sheet and request volunteers to take on the task of developing the recommendations and considerations for each line-item cost/benefit bucket. During the call we had approximately 6 people volunteer for multiple line items. As of today, we have approximately 43 line items and 20 of those 43 line items are currently filled.
Attached you will find the master copy of current line items/cost/benefit buckets. To avoid duplication of effort I have populated some of the line items with existing Task Forces or Study Groups (in red) that are likely working toward recommendations for each of those line items. I would like to request Task Force Members that were unable to attend the call on the 10th to review the list and volunteer to fill as many of the open spots as possible by communicating your interest in that particular line-item(s) to myself or Chris Perry (Secretary). I would like for you to generate a Word Document with recommendations and considerations for the line-item and where the line-item can be monetized, generate a simple work sheet for the monetization of that line item.
We verbally targeted mid to late June for everyone to have first drafts available for review and the group seemed to think that was sufficient time for each.
Additionally, I have met with Kris Ptasznik (Cummins) and he has developed an extremely detailed TCO Calculator that I am still trying to review/digest. It's great work! Thanks Kris! And I have reached out to Ryder asking for participation from their group. There was a Transport Topics article published May 14th regarding their Electric Vehicle Total Cost to Transport Analysis which is very insightful.
I will send out a call announcement for that June meeting date and time within the next week. Meanwhile, I would like to get as many open slots as possible filled with volunteers before the end of next week.
If you have any questions feel free to call me at 859-494-8569 or email me at or you can reach Chris Perry at 512-554-4739 or email
Thank you in advance for your consideration and participation! We are all very busy, so this must be a team effort for a project that is very important to the industry.
Have a great weekend!
All the best,
David Black
Vice President, Fleet Sales
FlowBelow Aero, Inc.
106 E. Old Settlers Blvd
Bldg D/Suite 100
Round Rock, TX 78664
Mobile: (859-494-8569
Fax: (512) 551-3750
Chris Perry
Director, Technical Support & Training
FlowBelow Aero, Inc.
Vehicle Aerodynamics Technology
106 E. Old Settlers Blvd., Suite D100
Round Rock, Texas 78664
Phone: Office (512) 520-5350 Ext 108
Cell (512) 554-4739
Taki Darakos
VP of Maintenance & Fleet Svcs.
Pittsburgh PA