Please see attached first working draft for a proposed RP for Optimization of Driver Training for ADAS. The Task Force, as well as the Ad Hoc Steering Committee are invited to make comments and suggestions for further development of this document. Of particular need are:
- Web Links and Titles for OEM and ADAS system provider resources that are of direct use to drivers and/or driver trainers (ADAS vehicle operator manauls, tips for drivers, etc). for the resources section and contributory text for other sections.
- Telematics and Video data that should/would be helpful in identify driver behaviors and coaching driving habits to more effectively utilize ADAS
- Methods being used by fleets for coaching driver behavior, particularly in response to safety incidents (and accidents) involving ADAS.
Please respond either to this discussion thread or directly to Jack Legler ( Markups of the draft file are also encouraged.
If feasible, we would like to present an substantially complete draft for consideration at the Task Force Session during the TMC 2024 Fall Meeting in Raleigh. (
Jack Legler
Technical Director
Technology & Maintenance Council
American Trucking Associations
Washington, DC