
#TMCAnnual22 Scam Alert

By Rachel Graber Akpotu posted 01-13-2022 11:46


Attention! Companies are contacting some of TMC’s 2022 Annual Meeting & Transportation Technology Exhibition members, attendees and exhibitors, claiming to offer our attendee lists. This is a SCAM. ATA/TMC does not sell its event registration lists or authorize any third party to distribute these lists.

Others have received emails about booking their hotel reservations for the Meeting through a non-authorized third party. These emails are not coming from ATA, the companies emailing are not associated with ATA, and we believe they are SCAMS. Once registered for the Meeting, you'll receive a confirmation email from and may also receive. A confirmation email from and may also receive correspondence from our official housing bureau, ConferenceDirect.

Please DO NOT respond to a company claiming to offer an ATA/TMC attendee list. By responding, even with a request to unsubscribe, you confirm that your email address is active. This may result in additional unwanted emails. If the e-mails continue, the Federal Trade Commission advises that you forward unwanted or deceptive messages to:

  • The Federal Trade Commission at Be sure to include the complete spam e-mail.
  • Your e-mail provider. At the top of the message, state that you're complaining about being spammed. Some e-mail services have buttons that allow you to mark messages as junk mail or report them spam.
  • The sender's e-mail provider, if you can tell who it is. Most web mail providers and ISPs want to cut off spammers who abuse their system. Again, make sure to include the entire spam e-mail and say that you're complaining about spam.

For any questions or concerns, contact or call 703-838-1763.
