
  • FT Position Paper on Future Automated Tractor Trailer Couplings Published

    The Future Truck Committee latest product became the first TMC publication of 2021 with the release of Position Paper FT PP 2021-1: Recommendations Regarding Future Tractor-Trailer Coupling Technology.

    The paper can be found at

    TMC’s Future Chassis & Brake Systems Task Force conducted a review of the potential benefits of automated tractor-trailer coupling technologies. The Task Force found that when compared to current processes, an automated coupler system would improve the safety and comfort for drivers of articulated vehicle combinations through the reduction of operational accidents and injuries, improve productivity through efficiency of the coupling/uncoupling process, and as a result, reduce costs to the end user. TMC recommends that equipment manufacturers and suppliers develop a tractor-trailer coupling system that reduces the numerous driver physical demands associated with coupling and uncoupling the trailer to and from the tractor, and increases the overall reliability of the tractor-trailer interconnection coupling system.